The study of human society and of individual relationships in and to society. A scholarly or scientific discipline that deals with such study, generally regarded as including sociology, psychology, anthropology, economics, political science, and history.


Why is Social Science Important?

  • Social Sciences are important because they create better institutions and systems that affect people's lives every day. Thus, social sciences help people understand how to interact with the social world—how to influence policy, develop networks, increase government accountability, and promote democracy.
  • The goals of teaching social sciences in the school are to instill social values, customs and traditions as well as build a human personality, study the hopes and aspirations of society, and contribute to the socialization of students.
  • the study of Social Science prepares students to grow up as active, responsible, and reflective members of society. It also teaches them to address societal and global concerns using literature, technology and other identifiable community resources.
  • Some methods of teaching Social Studies include, stimulation, laboratory, inquiry, project, dramatizations, questions and answer, fieldtrips, discussion, lecture, problem-solving, dramatization, home assignment and construction methods.

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