Language teaching is offered by the Linguistics Department at the college for numerous benefits for students in their stages of life. It is designed to equip students with competence in one foreign language and, at the same time, provide an understanding of the general nature of human language, its structure and use. Students choose to take native language concerning the cultural context of the language with intrinsic values.

In addition, learning a new language is a great way to make one stand and become more and more globalized. It is much easier to build a relationship with somebody when one speaks the same language as others. One  can simply connect with people around on a more personal level and break through communication barriers if  same language is spoken ;thus learning English as a second language is proven to be advantageous.

Moreover, mastering a new language also demonstrates that you have a host of other skills. As multi-linguals are better at problem solving, more creative and are better multitasks. All of these skills are very attractive to any potential employer. Language learning also helps to make you more tolerant, more open minded and accepting of change.

Learning English also help students learn other languages more easily as students can easily master their native language as research indicates that having a strong mother tongue foundation leads to a much better understanding of the curriculum as well as a more positive attitude towards school, so it’s vital that children maintain their first language when they begin schooling in a different language. The stronger the children’s mother tongue, the easier it is for them to learn new languages. 

Thus, here at the college, students are taught Hindi and Vosa Vakaviti as acquiring of one’s own language connects students to their culture, ensures better cognitive development, and aids in the learning of English.

As we are living in a time of unprecedented travel, with technological advances and globalization offering more and more people the opportunity to explore and live in cultures that are not their own being multilingual is vital.


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